
March 16, 2023

Ep06: Set Up Your Entities for Real Estate Asset Protection with Jeff…

Do you want to know how a few dollars spent today will save you a fortune in the long run? Jeffrey Berglio reveals the answer in this episode as he offers competent legal advice to help you mitigate the risks …

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March 14, 2023

Ep05: The Link Between Money, Happiness, and Success for Entrepreneurs

At what point can you consider yourself “wealthy enough?” Discover the answer to this question when you tune in to this episode. Be inspired to generate genuine happiness outside the concept of material wealth, live in the mo...

Episode page
March 9, 2023

Ep04: Cutting Edge Debt Management Strategies for Building Wealth

Did you know that not all debt is bad debt? There are tactical ways you can use debt to build long-term wealth, and we’ll share them with you in today’s episode. So don’t miss this chance to learn financial mindfulness, …

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March 7, 2023

Ep03: The Best Way to Invest: Active or Passive?

If you’re an aspiring investor who wants to know the most effective way to invest, then check out this episode! Find the balance between risk and reward, discover which investing style is best for you, and hear experience-bas...

Episode page
March 7, 2023

Ep02: Setting Aside Gratification for a Better Wealth-Building Positi…

Today's episode continues the conversation about achieving financial freedom by highlighting optimal ways to position yourself financially. Join us as we talk about cost-cutting and expense tracking, the value of practicality...

Episode page
March 7, 2023

Ep01: Wealthy and Happy | Pursuing the Pillars of a Good Life

Get to know more about this show's hosts as we explore the abundant and joyful life real estate investing offers. We'll kick off this journey by taking lessons from the timeless book Rich Dad Poor Dad and how they still …

Episode page
Feb. 23, 2023

Retire, Wealthy and Happy

Do you want to learn how to eliminate worries and frustrations about your financial situation? If so, you’re lucky because this podcast will turn your dreams about retiring early and comfortably into reality! Every Wednesday,...

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